PERANAN CEO (ketua pegawai executive):
1. Sebagai pemimpin(1) bukan boss.
2. Menjalankan perniagaan .A CEO runs a business.
3. Memaksimakan nilai saham. A CEO’s primary role is to maximize shareholder value.
4. Memaksimakan keuntungan, aliran tunai dan nilai perniagaan. To maximize profit, cash flow and the value of the business.
5. Mencipta wawasan perniagaan yang kuat. A CEO’s primary activity is creating and communicating a strong vision for the business.
6. Minat kepada memasarkan perniagaan secara berkesan. A CEO is keenly interested in the effective marketing of the business.
7. Mencari peluang perniagaan baru dan menguatkan perniagaan sedia ada. A CEO is always looking to leverage the strengths of the business into new markets or to do more business in the existing market.
8. Membena budaya coorporate yang cemerlang, seperti bekerjasama, tolong menolong, gotong royong, senyum, mengutamakan kecemerlangan, bekerja kuat dan berhati baik.A CEO manages the culture of the business by promoting the most deeply held values and beliefs of the organization.
9. Melihat kepada benda besar dan consept secara keseluruhan. A CEO looks at the big picture.
10. Dia tidak mengurus secara micro dan melihat perkara teknikal yang kecil. A CEO does not micro manage.
11. Ia memberikan kerja kepada orang dan kumpulan yang betul betul baik dan profesional dan berhati hati dalam memilih pasukannya. A CEO delegates to a carefully chosen team.
Selamat berjaya kepada semua CEO yang mengurus organisasinya. All the best.
It’s time to decide.
So what are you? Dentist(2) or CEO?
A dentist is someone who fixes teeth.
An associate is a dentist. They come to work every day, fix teeth and go home.
If you own a practice, it means that at some point you decided to stop being a dentist and become a CEO:
If a court of law accused you of being a CEO would they have enough evidence to convict you?
If you think your role is to be nice to patients and staff and give painless injections then you are a dentist not a CEO.
1. Lihat ciri kepimpinan dan teori style pimpinan: ( Nabi, pimpinan islam, petunjuk quran, pemimpin Negara, ulamak, dan pemimpin popular dunia; Ghandi, obama, Ibrahim lincon dll)
2. Begitu juga dengan guru, jaga, askar, policeman, pensyarah, peguam, hakim, juruterbang dan jurutera dll.
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